I am writing this post to clear the doubts of all those who face problems in using torrent to download softwares, movies, songs, games etc etc.
There are many alternatives of using this downloading softwares, out of which I am sharing one with you all.Hope this may prove helpful...... :)
The very first thing you need is to have a torrent( or Utorrent,bit torrent etc) installed on your system. Sometimes the torrent works without installng it on your computers.
Now consider an example of downloading "Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi", for this you need to follow these simple steps:-
- Open Google.com in any of the browser supported by your system.
- In the search option enter "Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi torrent" and press enter.
- You will find thousands of options on your computer screen.
- Open 4-5 sites of the related link.
- Click on the "Download torrent" option. Downloading may start immediately.
If found this article helpful, do let me know....
Happy Downloading.. :)
Vikas Bajpai
B. Tech Final Year
Computer Science